4 And among the Lamanites who were slain were almost all the seed of Amulon and his brethren, who were the priests of Noah, and they were slain by the hands of the Nephites;
5 And the remainder, having fled into the east wilderness, and having usurped the power and authority over the Lamanites, caused that many of the Lamanites should perish by fire because of their belief— 6 For many of them, after having suffered much loss and so many afflictions, began to be stirred up in remembrance of the words which Aaron and his brethren had preached to them in their land; therefore they began to disbelieve the traditions of their fathers, and to believe in the Lord, and that he gave great power unto the Nephites; and thus there were many of them converted in the wilderness.
In other words, among the Lamanites who were slain in these many battles with the Nephites, were many of the children of Amulon, the wicked priest of king Noah. And the rest of his children went East and usurped power over the Lamanites and put to death by fire many believers.
This must have been a very large group of Lamanaites for them to be fighting many battles with the Nephites. Still the record does not state what percentage of the people of Lamoni converted and did not.
Apparently many of these same Lamanites who had turned their warring from the Anti-Nephi-Lehis to the Nephites began to tire of the war and fighting and losses and were humbled and remembered the words of Aaron, and actually many of them were converted also! Better late than never, as they say! Many of the fruits of Aaron’s missionary service came much later, but they did continue to bare fruit.
Many of the warring Lamanites continued to see the error of their false traditions and believed. And all of this because of Ammon and his missionary companions, many of which have not been named, but surely were valiant in their service.