32 For behold, they had rather sacrifice their lives than even to take the life of their enemy; and they have buried their weapons of war deep in the earth, because of their love towards their brethren.
I love this! What greater love can one have than to give his life for his friends? I will tell you what greater love there is- to give your life for your enemies!
Amazing. There are no words to express. They not only buried their weapons, but buried them deep in the earth, along with their deep roots of faith and love and sacrifice.
And this also impressed me- the reason for burying their weapons deep in the earth. We know from previous verses that they feared offending God and losing their salvation if they took the life of another person, and that was one reason for burying their weapons.
But here is another reason, and the more impressive one to me. They loved their brethren! They loved those who were trying to kill them. And rather then defend themselves and kill another brother and send him the the world of spirits unprepared to meet their God, they had rather give their life to give their brethren the opportunity to repent.
It reminds me of what Brother Joseph once said. He suggested that if he asked the Lord to take the life of those who were trying to kill him that the Lord would actually honor that request. But- he said he would not ask it of the Lord as perchance they might repent and come unto God. Amazing!
Can you imagine going through that kind of persecution and having the power to take someone’s life, but loving them enough to be more concerned about them leaving this life unprepared to meet God? I cannot imagine love on that level, but I hope to someday.